Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Final Exam!!


Hi, As promised, these are some useful advices that all of you (I'm sure ;-)) are waiting for. Feel free to ask any questions if you need clarifications. You may need to write your questions on the comments column below this post.

Now how do i begin?

I'll first start by giving you some basic guidelines and then I'll leave the rest to all of you and that is, lebih banyak anda tanya dalam ruangan comment ini, (bergantung pada jenis soalan) lebih banyak info yang anda akan perolehi dan mungkin akan membantu anda untuk membuat persiapan.

Let's begin:

1. Your exams is comprises of two parts. Part A will be short structured and Part B will be short essays. (I've explained this in class before)

2. Part A, akan ada 4 soalan dan setiap satu soalan akan mewakili setiap 4 chapter terakhir yang kita pelajari. You should expect beberapa sub-questions dalam setiap 4 soalan ini. Bentuk soalan is something like the quizes yang kita pernah buat di dalam kelas.

3. As requested, Part B will contain two questions and you are to choose only one. You might want to concentrate on Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 on this part.

4. Soalan akan diberi dalam dwi bahasa.Saya juga terima jawapan sama ada dalam bahasa Inggeris atau Bahasa Melayu.

So can start asking me. Remember to use the comment column below this post. Good Luck


emfauzee said...

Assalamualaikum, Puan.

Terima kasih di atas advice2 tersebut.... Cuma ingin bertanya sikit,

1. Soalan Part B (Short Essay), adakah berbentuk scenario? or something like...

2. Berapakah markah bagi setiap soalan (Part A dan Part B)?

Sekian, terima kasih puan.



Gabai said...

Dapatlah kiranya puan dapat, narrow down kat sikit lagi chapter 7 & 9 .

Anonymous said...

Waalaikumsalam fauzee,

1.One is a straight forward question and another one is a scenario question.

2. Part A carries 76 marks and part B carries 24.


Puan Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi said...

Hi Gabai,
For Chapter 7, you, might want to concentrate on the 2nd half of that chapter.

Chapter 9 pulak, it's more of an understanding of cabaran2 pada masa akan datang.

Puan Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi said...

Fauzee...just to let u know, Anonymous di atas tu is me. tak sempat log-in tadi.

Puan Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi said...

Hi Gabai again,

Just to ensure, everyone gets the correct understanding, jawapan saya pada soalan anda tadi tu, adalah untuk Part B.

For Part A, anda semua masih perlu baca setiap chapter dengan betul kerana setiap soalan akan mewakili setiap chapter.(5,6, 7 & 9)


emfauzee said...


Part A Soalan banyak berbentuk definition or differentiation?


Gabai said...

TQVM Puan,
Rasanya untuk Chap. 9, kita perlu satu kefahaman menyeluruh tentang kesan & implikasi penggunaan teknologi tanpa sempadan ini (kalau tak silap).
I think your tips dah cukup membantu mengurangkan beban . Insyaallah. By the way, how can we get our carry mark.

Marzaimi (109009)

emfauzee said...

Puan, KAWAN saya nak tanye,

1. Soalan kuiz tempoh hari, mungkinkah akan keluar lagi dalam Final?

2. Part A
Chapter 5 - Fokus kepada ?
Chapter 6 - Fokus kepada ?
Chapter 7 - Fokus kepada ?
Chapter 9 - Fokus kepada ?

TQ FROM : Engku Rohaiza

Anonymous said...

Nak tahu carry mark - Seth

Puan Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi said...


For Part A, u guys should expect a combination of all type, and that is to say...ada soalan definisi, differentiation, example, list and explain..:-)

Puan Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi said...

Marzaimi and Seth and all...

Carry marks is on the way...belum siap lagi...but soon...don't worry to much..just try your very2 best for the final

Puan Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi said...

Engku Rohaiza..hi

1. Yes..u should definitely expect some of your quizzes questions to pop out again.. payah nak jawab..baca semua...use my slides as the guideline.

Anonymous said...

emmphh.. nampaknya takda harapan nak dpt tips detail ya puan..

it's ok. we hope the questions are ok and doakan kami dpt menjawab dengan tenang.



Anonymous said...

Dah dapat sikit pun oklah tu LaLa. Hafal aje le infrastructure2, SDLC, web-centric metric & so on. Kan puan??????? - Seth

Puan Siti Noratisah Mohd Nafi said...

Lala...the questions are ok..semuanya yang saya dah discuss and give examples dalam kelas..some of it i have indeed stressed out to all of you a few times..

Seth...Nice try...:-D

Anonymous said...

Hi! Salam 2U and June,
regards, mawi